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Open House 2017

Come join us for this year’s Open House at the Hamilton Safety Center!
Save the date: June 3, 2017 from 12:30pm to 4:30pm. Bring your friends and family!
We look forward to seeing you.

Thumbnail image of Open House flyer

See some photos of our 2016 Open House here!

Waterford Fair 2016

After the annual Waterford Fair was canceled in 2015 for the first time in 70 years due to bad weather, the popular event was back again this year from October 7 to 9. Volunteers of the Hamilton Rescue Squad were on stand-by at three locations throughout the village.

Group of volunteers beside an ambulance
Our volunteers at the Waterford Fair

The fair is traditionally attended by a large number of people who enjoy a stroll along the many arts and crafts booths. Observing artisans hand-crafting their goods is an interesting part of the event for children and adults alike, as are the historic village buildings that can be toured, and the Civil War reenactments.

People waiting in line outside a building to get in
Fairgoers waiting in line to tour a building in Waterford

A group of HVRS members staffed our Gator as well, a small versatile vehicle used to swiftly get to patients in crowded areas. This enables our EMTs to begin rendering medical care until the ambulance crew arrives.

Volunteers in a small vehicle at the fair
Company Chief Rodney Krone with volunteers Aja and Devin on the Gator


A group of our volunteers with a dog
Our volunteers with a four-legged new friend at the fair

Our members, along with the support of two paramedics from nearby stations, volunteered a total of 273 hours during the 2016 event weekend. If you wish to become part of our dedicated team, head over to the volunteer application page. For more information on the Fair visit the Waterford Foundation website. Next year’s Waterford Fair is scheduled for October 6-8, 2017 (Columbus Day weekend). See you there!

Close-up photo of the ambulance

Baby News!

On April 16, 2016, members of Hamilton Rescue responded for a reported OB call on the side of route 704. Our members arrived on scene and helped deliver baby Wesley. Today, four month old Wesley and his family stopped to say Hi to the crew who delivered him! Great job, Saturday crew!
Volunteers of Company 17 with baby Wesley

Company Meeting April 2016

Notes from the Company Meeting on April 6th, 2016

Called to order:  7:30 pm



EAP – The law allowing counties to pay for EAP benefits for volunteer companies was passed.  Loudoun will begin providing the same EAP benefits given to employees in July.  More to come.  Should we send a thank you letter to Chief Brower?

Roof – BOD wants our lawyer to look at the situation and advise us on our options before we make any decisions.

Budget – The BOD will meet this month to set the proposed budget for 2017.

Funding Algorithm – Subcommittee has begun meeting to review the algorithm and suggest changes.  Current Suggestions:

  • Implement a three year rolling average to avoid large changes.
  • Looking at the impact of Capital Investment Planning at companies (equipment and facilities) and how that should be factored in.
  • Estimate 4th quarter numbers to ease burden on companies at the end of the fiscal year.
  • Adjusting the expected cost of equipment to reflect higher costs
  • Adjusting lifecycle duration to match county lifecycle


Reading of previous meeting minutes



Officer’s Reports

  • Treasurer’s report: Read by Aja Wade
  • Chief: Read by Chief Krone
  • Engineer’s Report: Read by Chief Krone
  • Equipment Report: see Chief’s report – big bill coming up.
  • Training Report: Read by Michelle Pope


Internal Committees

  • Junior Membership Program: Read by Richard Bechtold
  • Banquet:
  • Membership:
  • Jr membership:
  • Points:
  • Recruitment & Retention
    • Home & Garden – April 16th and 17th
    • Career Fair – Saturday April 9th at Tuscarora High School – would like volunteers
    • June Open House – Saturday June 11th
      • See handout
    • Planning a fall event
    • Movies on the lawn
  • Safety Center:
  • Auxiliary:
  • IT:
  • Health and Wellness:


External Committees

  • R & R:
  • VAVRS:
  • EMS council:
  • ALS:
  • BLS:


Old business:

No old business


New business:

Logan – has decided to resign due to medical issues.  He will re-apply when he has recovered.


Breakfast with Santa

The annual, well-loved Breakfast with Santa was held on December 12, 2015. We thank the visitors for attending and the members of the Safety Center Auxiliary for making this a fun and enjoyable event.

Members of Co. 17 around Santa
Members of the HVRS around Santa

2015 Holiday Bazaar

Stop by at Harmony Hall this Saturday, November 21, from 9:00am to 2:00pm to get your holiday shopping done early! The Ladies’ Auxiliary are putting on their popular, annual Hamilton Safety Center Auxiliary Holiday Bazaar. With a wide variety of items such as quilts, jewelry, baked goods, soaps, and many more, there’s sure to be something for everyone. See our flyer for more details and come to the Bazaar this Saturday!
2015 Holiday Bazaar flyer

Congrats to our newest medic!

We are excited to announce that one of our volunteers, Kelly Frye, has successfully completed the EMT-Intermediate program! After several months of classes, practice, and clinical rotations, Kelly received her certificate during the graduation ceremony on July 30, 2015.

Kelly showing her certificate.
Our new medic Kelly with the Assistant Chief Curt Newport (l.) and Chief Rodney Krone (r.).

Congratulations, Kelly!

Length of Service award

Congrats to one of our wonderful members, Rafe Nichols! She was recently recognized for her 20 years of volunteer service in the Loudoun County Fire-Rescue system. We are very fortunate to have such committed members here at Company 17 and thank Rafe, as well as our many other hard-working volunteers, for their dedication.

Photo of the award

4th of July Parades

In keeping with traditions, volunteers of the Hamilton Volunteer Rescue Squad participated in the Purcellville and Leesburg parades again this year.

Three volunteers washing an ambulance
Volunteers bringing the apparatus to a shine prior to the parades.

Our members joined the parades with ambulances and the squad truck as well as our boat.

Three volunteers and the boat

Three of our volunteers on bicycles
The bike team was also present to round it all off.
Numerous people in front of our squad truck
Despite the poor weather, the turnout was great!
Ambulance with a small American flag held outside the side window
At the beginning of the parade.
A closeup of the squad truck during the parade.
Just before start of the Leesburg Parade.

2015 Shenandoah Apple Blossom Festival

Our volunteers took part in this year’s Firefighters Parade at the Shenandoah Apple Blossom Festival on Friday, May 1, 2015. The parade is the largest and also among the oldest annual Firefighters Parades in the world, and this was the 88th time it was held.

Utility vehicle with boat hitched up at the 2015 Apple Blossom Festival
The company was represented with the Utility vehicle and rescue boat.

We’re happy to report that our apparatus received 1st Place in the category “Fire Department Special Unit”. Congratulations!

Picture of the plaque